Paris Upside Down

8 movies to discover Paris
from home

In these weird days, time is more for watching a good movie under our blanket than planning our next trip… And there is nothing bad with that! 
While waiting for your next visit in Paris (and at Maison Mère), here are the 8 movies that you should definitely watch to (re)discover Paris from your couch.  

8 movies to discover Paris
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The Museum of Romantic Life
a timeless place

Shop display windows are bursting with hearts. Restaurants are offering intimate dinners for two. Ads are focusing on perfumes and jewellery. You can certainly tell that Valentine's Day is almost here. But here at the Maison Mère we prefer to tell you about a fascinating place where the art of the Romanticism movement still retains its poignancy; the Musée de la Vie Romantique (Museum of Romantic Life).

The Museum of Romantic Life
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Stéphane Gonkeser
our friendly neighbourhood jeweller

Maison Mère thrives in a completely amazing environment here in the heart of Paris; a neighbourhood that has the feel of a village. Delighting in our surroundings, we like to help you discover all that makes our quarter so special and particularly the lovely and talented people who contribute to its sheer vitality. Today, we’d like to introduce Stéphane Gonkeser to you.

Stéphane Gonkeser
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