1. Baguette : the queen of French breads
Baguette has not become a symbol of France by accident : its origins are closely tied to the history of the country.
During the Revolution, a decree announced that all the population should be eating the same bread, with no distinction between rich and poor : “As of now, all bakers are required to sell a unique sort of bread : the Bread of Equality”.
The baguette took its elongated form during the Napoleonian wars, so that French soldiers could carry their rations in the pockets of their uniforms.
The texture is due to the fights which opposed French workers on the metropolitan construction site in the 1900s. To avoid an armed conflict, the commissioners asked Parisian bakers to produce a bread easy to share without a knife.
Around Maison Mère, Village Montholon hosts authentic family bakeries. Treat yourself at Mamiche, our neighbor on 45, rue Condorcet.
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